
Researchers continue to refine the ceramic and composite resins that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. This provides dentists and patients today with excellent choices in dealing with missing, worn, damaged and decayed teeth.

With a variety of choices, the clinics we partner with help you in making the right decision and determine what is best in consultation. Our clinics also offer a unique service where by every stage of treatment is carried out by specialists in the area of work. For example, if you require any extractions this will be done by an Oral Surgeon not a Dentist.

Here are a range of the quality services you can choose from: 


Composite resin
Composite resin is a mixture of acrylic resin and finely ground glasslike particles that produce a tooth-colored restoration. Composite fillings provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small-to-mid size restorations that need to withstand moderate chewing pressure. Less tooth structure is removed when the dentist prepares the tooth, and this may result in a smaller filling than that of an amalgam. Composites can also be “bonded” or adhesively held in a cavity, often allowing the dentist to make a more conservative repair to the tooth. Composite resin can improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, broken, cracked, stained, or have spaces between them. With bonding, tooth-coloured materials are applied, or bonded, to the tooth surface.

Ceramic veneer
Unlike a crown, which covers the entire tooth, a veneer is a thin covering placed over the front face of the tooth. The procedure is relatively simple, comfortable, and quick, requiring one or two visits.  Veneers are a popular treatment option for upper front teeth that are severely discolored, poorly shaped or slightly crooked. Veneers may also be used to correct worn and chipped teeth, as well as uneven spacing (diastema).

Ceramic inlay / onlay
Sometimes the best dental treatment for a tooth is a restoration made in a laboratory from a mold. Two of these custom-made restorations, which require one or more visits, are inlays and onlays. An inlay fits within the contours of the tooth. An onlay is similar to an inlay, but is larger and covers some or all chewing surfaces of the tooth. Ceramic inlays and onlays provide good durability and resistance to fracture in   restorations that need to withstand heavy chewing pressure. The cost of ceramic inlays and onlays is generally higher than composite because of the greater time involved and the necessity of additional dental laboratory work. 

Ceramic crown
When teeth are compromised, a ceramic crown will often provide the perfect solution.  Crowns can strengthen teeth.  They can protect what's left of teeth that are cracked or broken, or that have been compromised by large fillings.  They cover and complete dental implants.  Crowns are also used cosmetically to improve the appearance of teeth that are badly shaped or discolored.

CEREC by Sirona Dental Systems is the world's only system for the fabrication of all ceramic dental restorations in one office visit .  You can be in and out in a single visit with a permanent, color-matched, all-ceramic crown, onlay,or veneer.  This means fewer injections, less drilling, and less time out of your hectic schedule for dental care .      Finest Dental Materials   A CEREC tooth restoration isn't just convenient, good-looking, and strong, it supports the health of your tooth. That's because the ceramic materials in CEREC closely match the composition of a natural tooth. As a result, when you eat hot food and then drink something cold, the restoration and tooth expand and contract at almost equal rates, protecting you from pain and your tooth from fracture. By chemically bonding the ceramics to your tooth, the tooth is strengthened, allowing more of the healthy tooth to be preserved than with other methods.    Amazingly, this whole process take only an hour.   For more information, please check at  

Tooth Whitening
Everybody loves a bright white smile, and there are a variety of products and procedures available to help you improve the look of yours. Many people are satisfied with the sparkle they get from brushing twice daily with a fluoride-containing toothpaste, cleaning between their teeth once a day and getting regular cleanings at the dentist's clinic. If you decide to go beyond this to make your smile look brighter, we provide two more approaches.    One is in-clinic bleaching, using laser. This takes about an hour. The other is at-home bleaching, which takes 2 to 3 weeks.  We are happy to assess with you which approaches are likely to provide you with the best results.

Lasers can be used to speed the effect of in-clinic peroxide bleaching agents.  The Food ad Drug Administration ( FDA ) has granted the use of lasers in soft tissue surgery and bleaching procedures.  For more information, please check at

Tooth Cleaning
By the time people reach adulthood, their teeth and gum have had quite a workout. Many adults develop some type of periodontal or gum disease. some researchers suggest that there may be a link between gum disease and other health concerns such as cardiovascular problems, stroke, bacterial pneumonia and increase risk during pregnancy. Gum disease is usually caused by plaque. If plaque is not removed with daily brushing properly, gums become irritated and inflamed. The irritating gum tissue can separate from the teeth and form spaces call pockets. Left untreated, the process can continue until the gum and supporting bone are destroyed. Even if you brush and floss regularly, you may not remove all the plaque, especially around the gum line. Plaque can be a hardened deposit called calculus. Once hardened, it can be removed only in the dental clinic during your regular cleaning. To prevent the gum disease, regular checkups and cleaning every 6 months is important


Dental implants
Dental implants represent one of the most dramatic advances in modern dentistry. Every year, tens of thousands of dental implant procedures give people a second chance for their teeth. Dental implants are metal posts ( made from titanium ) that are surgically placed in the bone under your gums. During a healing period, the bone grows around the implant. Then a replacement tooth, or crown, is attached to the metal post, giving you a restoration that is a lot like your natural tooth. Implants also can be used to secure bridges and dentures when more than one tooth is missing. For more information, please check at
Please be aware that this treatment requires two visits over 4-6 months, this may not be suitable for all customers.   

Root Canal Treatment
Once upon a time, if you had a tooth with a diseased nerve, you'd probably lose that tooth. Today, with a special dental procedure called a root canal therapy you may save that tooth.  Inside each tooth is the pulp which provides nutrients and nerves to the tooth, it runs like a thread down through the root. When the pulp is diseased or injured , the pulp tissue dies. If you don't remove it, your tooth gets infected and you could lose it. After the dentist removes the pulp, the root canal is cleaned and sealed off to protect it. Then your dentist places a crown over the tooth to help make it stronger. A root canal is a relatively simple procedure with little or no discomfort involving one to three visits. Best of all, it can save your tooth and your smile!  Most of the time, the root canal treatment teeth need crowns to protect the tooth structure from fracture. This is the separate procedure. Please be aware that root canal treatments are all carried out by a specialist Endodonist.

Tooth Replacement

If you're missing one or more teeth, you may notice a difference in chewing and speaking. There are options to help restore your smile. Bridges help maintain the shape of your face, as well as alleviating the stress in your bite by replacing missing teeth. Sometimes called a fixed partial denture, a bridge replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth, looks great, and literally bridges the gap where one or more teeth may have been. The restoration can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain or a combination of these materials and is bonded onto surrounding teeth for support. So its success depends on its foundation. So it's very important to keep your remaining teeth healthy and strong. 

If you've lost all of your natural teeth, whether from periodontal disease, tooth decay or injury, complete dentures can replace your missing teeth and your smile. Replacing missing teeth will benefit your appearance and your health. Without support from the denture, facial muscles sag, making a person look older. You'll be able to eat and speak—things that people often take for granted until their natural teeth are lost. 

Removable Partial Denture
Removable partial dentures usually consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases, which are connected by metal framework. Removable partial dentures attach to your natural teeth with metal clasps or devices called precision attachments. Precision attachments are generally more esthetic than metal clasps and they are nearly invisible. Crowns on your natural teeth may improve the fit of a removable partial denture and they are usually required with attachments. Dentures with precision attachments generally cost more than those with metal clasps. Consult with your dentist to find out which type is right for you.


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